


Orc Hwang

Software Engineer

Who Am I 👋

I am Orc Hwang, and currently work as a Python Backend Engineer. I'm finding joy in solving a variety of challenges that one can encounter in life through code.

  • I am striving to write good code proficiently.
  • I prefer the Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach. I believe that the TDD cycle enhances service reliability and is advantageous for collaboration.
  • I believe that active communication among colleagues is directly linked to the quality of the product.
  • I really enjoy coffee chats with fellow developers ☕️

Techs What I'm Good at 🤺

  • Language : Python
  • Framework : Django, FastAPI
  • DBMS : MySQL, MariaDB
  • Cloud : AWS
  • Container : Docker
  • Container Orchestration : Docker Compose, AWS ECS
  • CI / CD : Github Actions, Gitlab CI
  • IAC : Terraform
  • Editor : NeoVIM

Techs Not Using Lately 🥱

  • Language : Java, Javascript, Typescript
  • DBMS : Oracle
  • Editor : Pycharm
  • Search Engine : ELK Stack

What I'm learning 📒

  • Language : Go
  • Container Orchestration : K8S
  • Data Engineering : Kafka